From Dr. Sattar to his patients…
Dear patients of Dr. Fouad Sattar and Community Care Obstetrics/Gynecology and Midwifery,
This is a letter to share my thoughts with you as a friend. I want to personally tell you about a decision I had to make and to thank you. I also want to ask for your understanding, forgiveness and blessing.
43 years ago, when my wife Louise and I arrived at the Albany/Schenectady region we hardly knew anyone in the area. We were thousands of miles away from our families in Holland and Egypt. You not only opened your homes to us but, you also opened your hearts.. We thank you for making us feel at home when we were so far away from our families and home. You showed us that this was a loving and caring community that would be a wonderful and happy place to raise our family. This proved to be a decision that we would never regret. We were extra lucky that it happened to be one of the most beautiful spots in the country, if not the world!!
A few years later when I decided to start my part time private practice in addition to my teaching job, you trusted me with the most precious possession anyone can have and that is your health. I have always considered the confidence you showed in me to be a privilege and an honor. I need you know that I never took your trust and confidence lightly. Your goodness and kindness made my practice more satisfying and professionally fulfilling than I could have dreamed of. I always kept these realizations close to my heart! Your consideration and respect made my practice not only successful but easy and enjoyable. I always felt as if I was going to see my dear friends when I was going to the office.
We shared good news and tough news. We laughed , held hands and shed some tears together! Through all of that our friendship strengthened.
To those of you who gave me the extra privilege and joy to help with the birth of your child, grand child or both, I have to tell you that was always a special treat. Sharing with you and your family those most precious moments was always very joyful and thrilling! It made no difference how late the evening or how young the morninag or if I was rested or tired, the thrill and joy of birth was what mattered. The last birth I attended was as thrilling as the first! That is why I never counted; every birth was very special, a Miracle!!
I told you that I kept everything close to my heart. Now comes the time to let you know how much I am thankful for you giving me that privilege and honor. Your trust, confidence and friendship has meant the world to me. . I hope that over the years I was able to show that I was worthy of your trust
Lastly, I want to share with you a decision I had to make. I ask for your understanding and forgiveness, as well as your blessing. I would have liked to have shared this with you in person. Alas such is life; we never know what can happen to us tomorrow! Considering my health status & family I decided to retire! This has been a very difficult decision for me to reach since I could never imagine the a day would come for me to say I am not going to see my friends! However, I quickly realized that your friendship will always be with me and something that I will cherish to the last day I will be on the surface of this earth! So, I hope you will always keep in touch!
What made the retirement a bit easier, is that I know I will be leaving you in the good hands of Dr. Danielle Rooney, whom I hope that many of you have already met.
I have known her for 14 years as a medical student and a resident. For the last seven years I have had the joy of having Dr Rooney as my partner.So, I can truly vouch for her. She is a very smart clinician and a safe and talented surgeon. Most importantly she is a good human being. She shares our philosophy. She will not only take care of you, but she will care about you! She will be helped by the rest of our dedicated team of midwifes, and our Nurse Manager, Fran Mullen, who has been with me since inception! All of them share a common philosophy.
So, my friend it is not a goodbye, it is a so long!
Wishing you & yours a very long life blessed with the great health you truly deserve!
Yours Always,
We are dedicating a section of our website for patients to leave well wishes and goodbyes and to share memories for Dr. Sattar. If you would like to send something to include, click on the button below that says ‘Post a Message’ or email directly to [email protected] with the subject line: Dr. Sattar. Please do not include any personal health information as this website is a public location. Thank you from the Practitioners and Staff at Community Care OB/GYN and Midwifery.
From Our Patients to Dr. Sattar
“You remain an inspiration to all. It was my honor and privilege to have “worked” with you for over 25 years. You taught me how to be a better midwife and more importantly how to be a better person. You always put love in whatever it was you were doing. Love and compassion first was your motto and you lived up to that every single day. And your days meant that you could be running late for surgery because a woman needed your care and time in the office or you were at the bedside of a patient who had suffered a loss or be arriving in the middle of the night to assist in a birth. You could be teaching residents in the clinic and wanted for an emergency at the hospital. The situation did not matter. What mattered and what was needed was your presence. Despite those stresses and demands you came to every one of those situations with love in your heart, compassion in your soul and kindness with your touch. Your talented surgical hands and diagnostic expertise came with the blessings of your caring personality. All of these precious and important qualities made you an exemplary healer. Congratulations on making a difference to thousands of people. Congratulations on being an example of how to live the life you are called to do. Congratulations on your selfless ability to serve. Congratulations on practicing medicine as an art. Congratulations on leaving everyone with whom you worked and practiced and cared for better off for having known you. I hope you can feel the love and respect that so many people have for you as you begin this new chapter in your life. I have no doubt that you will continue to be a teacher and a healer and an example of how to live as you continue to touch everyone lucky enough to know you.”
“Dear Fouad, I am so in awe of the way you put your heart into your work for all these years. You not only made a huge difference, but also touched a lot of lives along the way. You are an amazing co-worker, I will never forget all the little tips and tricks you taught me along the way. You are an inspiration to us all. You will always be remembered for your accomplishments. Thank you for your years of hard work and dedication to Obstetrics and Gynecology in our community. Thank you for being an amazing example and mentor for me and the medical community. Your dedication and hard work is really inspiring. I will never forget you for that. Thank you for inspiring us all to do our absolute best. You are a very motivating and pleasant person to work with. You will not be forgotten after you retire. You are a true friend. Our years of work together have showed me that you can love your work if you love the people you work with. Thank you for proving that to me. It will be tough to find someone that works as hard and is dedicated as much as you are. You’re a true professional who has shown by example that excellence is something to aim for every day. You inspire everyone around you to be and do more—and I know that will only continue in your retirement. Work was never just about work for you. It was about taking good care of your patients and everyone around you. You are simply irreplaceable. I am so proud of you and your remarkable and stellar career. Congratulations on your very well-deserved retirement. Enjoy your retirement! Happy Retirement!”
“Dear Dr. Sattar, I am so sorry to hear that you are retiring, but realize that everyone deserves a break from the everyday. You are a wonderful physician and will be missed. Your calm demeanor made this grandmother feel better about herself. I hope that you enjoy your family. I have told my son-in-law, who is also an OB-GYN, that he should strive to be like you with his patients. They will be much happier for it.”
“Thank you for your good care over the years. I will miss our talks when I came to the office. I want to wish you and your wife a happy retirement. Enjoy!”
“Dear Dr Sattar, I just received your beautiful letter and wanted to let you know how blessed I always felt to have you as my OBGYN doctor for the past 34 years! I always knew this day would come and I’m selfishly sad that I won’t have you as my doc. You are right in that Dr. Rooney is top notch too! You always found and trained the best students to work in your practice. I recommended to you so many people I knew over the years because of your kind and gentle nature and excellence in your field. You always took the time and never made me feel rushed during an appointment. I always appreciated how you explained what was going on with my body, and how we could address it. You had such a calming way to reduce my anxiety anytime I thought I had something wrong! You are a gem and it would be heaven if only more physicians were more like you! I am honored that you guided me through my three pregnancies and delivered Kristina and Lisa. You were away when my son Matthew was born, and you assured me I was in good hands with Dr. Schwank. I admit that I was terrified to not have you there for his delivery! I still have the photos of you holding both my daughters and I treasure them. Dr. Sattar, you will always hold a special place in my heart and you definitely make this world a better place! I know you spread your goodness with every student who was fortunate to study under you. I was so very sad to hear about your diagnosis with lung cancer. You are one of the good guys and I wish I could take it away and make you better! I am happy and blessed to have known you. Thank you for 34 years of caring for me. I do wish you all of the best and peace as you retire.”
“Dear Dr. Sattar, I just received your letter. I truly appreciate you sending it. The letter has brought tears of sadness and joy to my eyes. Your office helped bring one of my children into the world and you were such a blessing in a scary time for me with a few medical issues of my own. I thank you for being such a kind and caring person. You will be missed! I hope you are being cared for just as much as you cared for me. So long Dr. Sattar! I wish you the BEST!”
“Dear Dr. Sattar, It is hard to put into words what it has meant to me to have you as my Dr. It doesn’t seem possible, but it has been 37 years since I became your patient. There will never be a Dr. quite like you, compassionate, caring, friend and the utmost professional. You always put your patient’s needs first no matter what. Not many people enjoy going to the Dr., but I would look forward to my appointments to be able to catch up with you about what was going on professionally and personally. I always told others that there was no one like you. You always asked about my husband Dan, who by the way thinks your great and the kids Danny and Gina. In fact, Gina became your patient and it was a thrill that you were able to be there for the birth of her son, my grandson, which was also witnessed by me. I know you got a tough road ahead, but I am hoping you will be able to enjoy retirement, spend time with your wife, kids and grandchildren. Take care of yourself and maybe our paths will cross sometime…”
“Dear Dr. Sattar, Just received your letter. I’m very sad to hear that you are retiring but everyone deserves to take a rest and enjoy their family. I became a patient of yours, I think, in 1991 and have had excellent care from you for all those years. I enjoyed our visits, the laughter and most of all you and your caring ways. You will be missed my friend.”
“Dear Dr Sattar, Thank you choosing to be a doctor. I always said you are a wonderful doctor. You delivered my beautiful son thirty years ago. He has been a blessing to me and my family. Thank you for your compassion when I had my miscarriage. You are a very kind man. I will pray for you and your family at this time of your life.”
“To our beloved Dr. Sattar, You have been a beacon in our lives – bringing our daughter and son into this world in a most awe-inspiring way; listening, laughing, smiling, sharing, kindness, care, intelligence, competence, humility, grace, integrity. There are no words to let you know how important you have been to our lives. We love you and thank you from the bottom of our hearts for sharing yourself and your gifts with us. Miracles everywhere!”
“Dear Dr. Sattar, While I am sad I will no longer be under your care, I am glad you will have time with your family and friends. Your care for me as well as the child you helped deliver will always be remembered. Despite always having a thriving practice full of women we always felt like we were your sole focus at appointments. Your kindness will not be forgotten. Thank you for your many years of service!”
“When I needed a new OBGYN I asked a trusted colleague who she went to and she sang your praises and I’m so glad she did. It’s been over 20 years! You always took your time, never felt like you needed to run to the next patient and loved what you did. I wish you and your family all the best in this new chapter of your life. Truly you will be missed.”
“Dr. Sattar, I wish you improved health and my thoughts and prayers are with you. In the over 25 years of having you as my Dr. you have become friend. Without a doubt you are the most caring and dedicated physician I have ever known. When you would see me @ an appointment you were always genuinely interested in me as a person as well as your patient. Your kindness and caring are and have been most appreciated. You are a very special person and the many patients you have cared for are all very fortunate to have had you as their Doctor. Please continue to take care of yourself.”
“Dr. S has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember helping me medically and personably adapt to all of life’s changes. He has done it with the most compassion anyone could ask for. He was often referred to at Bellevue as the mayor teaching new residents. He will have red hair one day. A joke we joked about. He was and is the best of the best, someone who would hold your hand before a surgery and say it will be ok, someone to say it like it is, and a friend. He is the is old school of what we need now. And I thank you doc. Thank you for everything.”
“Dear Dr. Sattar, You are the kindness person and doctor I’ve ever met. You always treated me with respect and always listened to me not as a number but as a person. You always took the time to inquire about my son, Russell, the Doctor and my daughter Vicky. You will be greatly missed but I wish you much happiness and joy in your retirement.”
“Found, You were my friend on the first day we met. Getting to know your family was wonderful! Going to work was always a joy for me. I couldn’t wait to get there. We had many laughs, talks, and interesting cases. I treasure all the memories.”
“First and foremost, I hope you are feeling well! That is my only wish is that you are doing well! Dr Sattar, what a wonderful person, surgeon, physician you are! It doesn’t matter if you retire! You will always always be that wonderful doctor!! I worked with you many years in the St Clare’s Operating Room. My favorite thing to see always was your beautiful c-section deliveries!! In our Operating Room. I heard the beautiful cries of newborn babies and saw the beautiful smile in your eyes!! You always had a team of peeps with you who learned the meaning of life, from you. You were an awesome teacher to so many! I am working one day a week for our good friend Dr Fox!!! Ha! I too myself retired in 2018. Retirement is funny, I didn’t really know what to do with it, so I just got lazy. Then I got a call, from our friend Dr Fox’s office!! I worked for on and off for a few years, here and there and whatever. With that being said I work for her one day a week! I’m retired! Been doing it for a year now!! Any who, I have a beautiful grandson now, he’s about 15 months old, he is my love! I cannot believe the beautiful moments he gives me! He is truly the love of my life!! He fills my days, when I babysit, and fills my heart always!! I wish you health and happiness! I wish you love! I wish you everything you ever wanted! Because you so truly deserve it! I consider you my friend and I hope you do too! Enjoy this retirement! It’s some you deserved!! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! Our wonderful Dr Sattar!! Stay healthy, stay beautiful as you are!!”
“Thank you for your gentle manor and desire to promote and help new student doctors. Your kindness is something I will always remember. Prayers and blessings to you and your family.”
“Dear Dr. Sattar, I just received your letter and there are not enough words to express the emotions I feel. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your care, compassion, expertise and friendship at every visit for the last 30 years. You have helped me though the wonderful births of my children and though my difficult times too. You are truly a breath of fresh air and I will dearly miss you. I am wishing you a wonderful retirement that you so deserve. Thank you for everything and may GOD Bless You and your family. My thoughts are with you always. Now it is time for you to be on “Holiday.””
“I cannot express how grateful we are to have known Dr. Sattar, to have had him be part of our lives…and to have him as a doctor. His attention to his patients, his concern for the whole family, and his kindness were such gifts to us. He was also so much more than the ob/gyn specialist…truly interested in the whole person and concerned about all aspects of our health and family. It was also always so comforting and heartening to see how touched he was when sharing memories of our father, one of his colleagues. Dr Sattar, we wish you blessings and all good things as you continue this life journey retirement. I will miss you so very much!”
“Dear Dr. Sattar, I just received your beautiful heartfelt letter and I was very sad to learn of your diagnosis. I want to thank you for your kindness, compassion, expertise and friendship at every visit for many many years. You will always hold a very special place in my heart, and I will miss you. May GOD bless you and your family. My thoughts and prayers are with you always.”
“Dr. Sattar, Since I have heard about your illness, I have prayed for your illness to be lifted. In reading your letter, I see that you are managing your illness just like you managed your day to day life- with grace, optimism, and concern for others. No one looks forward to their visits to the gynecologist, but your wonderful sense of humor, kindness, and genuine interest in your patients made this yearly appointment into an opportunity for self-care. No question was too embarrassing or silly. I always left feeling better than when I came in. When you delivered my sweet baby boy, I remember you holding him close and marveling at his perfection. Your expertise was evident as I delivered an almost 10 pounder very calmly and recovered quickly. Helping a mom stay calm during a scary experience is a gift for which I will be forever grateful. Dr. Sattar- I wish you peace as you take care of yourself. Please know that so many are rooting for you and appreciate you!”
“Dr. Sattar. A wonderful person, surgeon, physician, and friend. I am so happy to have had you in my life. You are an amazing person and I wish you all the best on your retirement and most of all good health! You delivered me and then almost 30 years later you were in the delivery room for the birth of my son. What a joy it has been to know you, I feel honored to be one of your patients. We will miss you so much! Lots of love to you and your family!”
“Fouad (Dr. Sattar), What a lovely letter that you wrote and sent. I know everyone, especially me, will miss you dearly. You have been such a caring and compassionate physician – surgeon. I shall also certainly miss our talks. I have prayed for you since hearing of your illness and I shall continue to pray for you.”
“Years ago, our friend Maria (our California girl) did extensive research to find the BEST GYN Dr. around. As you know Maria is a nurse, so she had “her” ways to find out everything about all the Doctors around. Well you always came out on top. I was blessed to have you for my doctor for so many years. You got me through that dreaded breast exam. You knew just how to distract me, so I wasn’t so uncomfortable. You are a gentle soul and a wonderful human being. I have to admit that I cried when I read the letter and am tearful as I write this. I NEVER got attached to a Dr. when one retired, I just found someone else, with you there is no one that can take your place so I will have to take 2nd best. I wish you God’s blessings now and forever.”
“Dear Dr. Sattar, When I moved to the Capital District 18 years ago, I wanted to find a gynecologist who understood my fears about Ovarian Cancer after losing my mother at a very young age. The day I made a call to your office was one of the best decisions I could have made. You have been kind, wise, and I feel you to be a friend. I hope you spend some time enjoying the little things in life that are special. I will miss you. I wish you much happiness…..”
“Dear Dr. Sattar, Thank you for being the best OB-GYN anyone could ever have. You have given me a great gift…15 bonus years on my life so far and I will be forever grateful. I remember being surprised when you called a few days after my surgery to check and see how I was doing. Very few physicians take that kind of time with their patients and I will never forget how much it meant to me. I am so sorry to hear that you have been ill. Perhaps it is time for you to receive the compassionate healing care that you so freely give to your patients. There are still extraordinary people whom God puts on this earth just to help others and you, my friend, are one of them. Many blessings to you and your wife in your retirement and I will pray for renewed health for you.”
“Dear Dr. Sattar, Thank you so much for 35+ years of excellent health care service. Not only were you a good listener and attentive, you also truly cared about me. I thank you for my prenatal care and the delivery of my son. My husband and I were really touched by your phone call to me after I returned home from the hospital. I miss you as my doctor. However, I wish you the best of health as you move forward to retirement. I also wish you doctors that are as excellent a doctor as you are. And, finally, I wish you good times with your friends and family. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. You, Dr. Sattar, are amazing, you are one in a million. I wish you well.”
“In the few years I have had the pleasure of being your patient, my impressions of you were only positive. You have a million-dollar smile, full of warmth and welcome. Your interactions are courteous, respectful, yet warm and personable. Your voice is gentle yet sure. When I was working as an RN at Ellis Hospital your personality shone through with patient and caregiver. Maybe now you have the time to read a good book, smell fresh cut grass, listen to birdsong and let your senses bring all that mother nature has to offer, most of all peace. I wish you a truly good time with all that life has to offer. Also, to share with your wife and children. You are an example of what the word “Gentleman” represents.”
“You have walked me through many joys, tragedies and milestones in my life and you have done it with grace and kindness. I wish you and your family love and happiness in the next chapter of your life.”
“Dear Dr. Sattar, The dedication, humility and warmth of your letter exemplifies the person you are and the extraordinary manner in which you have related to your patients. You have been and continue to be remarkable in your sincerity and in the genuine personal interest you have taken in your patients. It is a level of caring that goes way beyond the clinical/medical relationship. What a unique gift you have to have been able to sustain such thoughtful relationships with so many of us for so many years. It goes without saying that we will miss seeing you when we visit the office. But you have served so many of us for so long, you have more than earned this time to retire. It is with our blessing, gratitude and heartfelt thanks.”
“Hi Doctor, I just opened your letter. For the moment I have stopped crying, just for now. When I moved here, I never thought I would find a doctor that I would be happy with. But I soon found out I would be wrong. Your care & compassion were beyond my expectations. When I saw you, even if it had been a year you made me feel as if I was your only patient. You always remembered even little things about me. You made me feel comfortable. I’m selfish in my thoughts that you’re retiring but of course your health takes priority. May God bless you & make your recovery well. I will truly miss you. I can’t even put into words what a wonderful doctor & gracious person you truly are.”
“Dear Dr. Sattar, Thank you for your beautiful, heartfelt letter. I always enjoyed our talks and your caring nature when I came for an appointment. I will miss you and wish you all the best in the future.”
“Dear Dr Sattar, I want to thank you for the compassionate, reassuring care you provided me in my time of need. I am so thankful that I was referred to you for consult. I wish I’d been fortunate to have met you and your amazing staff years before! I wish you a relaxing, healthy retirement enjoying family and wonderful memories. You are loved by many!! Take Care.”
“There are no words to express my appreciation and love for Dr. Sattar. I worked at St. Clare’s and he was also my physician for years. I must say this letter had me crying. Through the years as a patient and health care worker I have never encountered a physician like Dr. Sattar. He is a truly humble man as was expressed in his letter to us. It was always a pleasure to see you. You are a beautiful soul and it showed in how you took care of your patients. I will never forget the time I was working and my sister was in the ER. I was upset at the situation and all of a sudden when there was no one else in the basement hallway, there you were. You could tell I was upset, you stopped me and I shared with you what was happening. Your compassion and advice put me at ease and things turned around for her. That is who you are, caring, intuitive and a wonderful human being. Thank you for the beautiful letter that only you could write. I wish you and your family many blessings, prayers and love!”
“Dear Dr. Sattar: Thank you for the second letter which I have personally received from you. The first letter I received from you was the sweetest and most heart-warming letter with encouragement after the diagnosis of my rare Carcinoid cancer. That you had taken the time to let me know of your personal concern for my welfare was genuinely appreciated so much. It is with sadness that I have learned of your cancer diagnosis and your decision to retire by receipt of your second letter. I will certainly miss your calming manner and dedication to the oath you took to be the best physician possible. I feel I can now encourage you. Enjoy each moment with your family. Enjoy the sunrises and the blooming flowers and the chirping birds, cool breezes on a hot day, and warm covers on a cold day, the smiles of your loved ones, and the knowledge of a life well-lived. Take care of your nutrition and take a walk when possible, and now the good night sleep that is undisturbed. And, Dr. Sattar, know that your patients will be praying for you and counting themselves blessed to have known you.”
“Dear Dr. Sattar, Thank you for taking such good care of me for over 35 years!! You always took the time and patience to answer all my questions and relieve my concerns! Roger and always enjoyed seeing you and Louise at the Symphony concerts. The fact that I am 73 years old and enjoy good health, run 8-10 miles a day and lift weights I must give you credit for helping me get to this place in my life!!! You have been in our prayers and will continue to be! God bless you and your family!”
“Dear Dr. Sattar, You are a gentle man, an outstanding physician, and an amazing friend! You will be sorely missed!”
“I have been a patient of Dr. Sattar’s for a quarter century. Until recently, the only relationships that I made in the practice were with Karen Baker, NP (retired), Fran and Dr. Sattar. Dr. Rooney has been wonderful, and I plan to continue with the practice. But I would love to gush about how wonderful Dr. Sattar has been, and hope that these words and my sincere thank you reach him. I am very sad to hear about his illness and hope that he and his family have an easy time managing it and can enjoy each other. I was referred to Dr. Sattar initially from a nurse who saw him speak about assisting a disabled woman become pregnant an